This special product has never been available to the industry before and is one of those ingredients that is just too good not to share!
Super high in protein and nucleotides, this very special autolysed yeast works on both the gustatory and olfactory receptors and seems to be irresistible to big carp.
For those who don’t know, “autolysed” refers the process in which the yeasts own enzymes break down the protein making it more attractive and more bio-available. This is similar to hydrolysed ingredients, although those have the enzymes added rather than naturally utilising inherent enzymes.
I mentioned this was high in protein, and it really is. The likes of brewers and brocacel yeast have around 40% protein, this yeast has almost 70%! Plus, of course, unlike brewers and brocacel the protein in this yeast is already broken down so is easier for the carp to utilise (again, autolysis!).
Super versatile, this is great in bag mix’s, dusted on boilies, added to particles, included in base mix’s (3% is plenty) and of course coated on to hookbaits to stimulate feeding.
Top tip- this product works particularly well with liquid Celmanx.